New Forum - 10.17.04 |
celebrate the 150th birthday of Arthur Rimbaud, a stunning and
aesthetic new message board has been created by Monsieur
Mustache. It contains five forums, and is moderated.
A secret society of sorts, participants
are asked to register an account,
even to view the message board itself. Go
there now!
within are never before seen colour photographs of Rimbaud,
Verlaine, Baudelaire, Wilde, and the poet from Montreal, Quebec,
Emile Nelligan (1879 - 1941), who in many quarters
around the world has been said to be Canada's Rimbaud.
There is also focus upon the Victorian novelist, Marie Corelli
(1855 - 1924), whose works, although despised by the critics
of her day, rose to a popularity greater than any of her
contemporaries, and set new standards in the literary world,
many of which are continued today. Many
thanks to Monsieur Mustache for this great addition to the
Removed from Frontino's Site |
Like it or not,
copyrights are copyrights. We are, after all, under the thumb of
the RIAA for music... of course, there is a bit of the same
going on with literature. Deke Frontino, a soul kind enough to
let us link his site for many years, has taken down his site and
vanished from the face of the earth, far as we can tell. Deke
had both Illuminations and A Season in Hell up on his site for
years. He allowed us to link to him. Unfortunately, New
Directions, who own the rights the the translations he was
posting, contacted him and threatened legal action if he didn't
remove them. Alas, they're no more. Of course, we've been lucky
enough to have a few of Dennis Carlisle's pieces up. I have two suggestions -- 1) Log on to
and order Dennis Carlile's new RIMBAUD:
THE WORKS (see below) -- Dennis is a hell of a nice
guy, and quite the translator! Or, if you're especially spiteful
on Deke's behalf, check out The Drunken Boat's favorite
used bookstore, Hop
on, order a used New Directions copy and say to hell with 'em! |

prepares for the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of its most famous native
son in 2004; the asphalt streets leading from the town square to the river have been torn
up, to be newly paved with "authentic" cobblestones. Gas streetlamps will be
installed. The house by the river where the Rimbaud family lived is being restored as a
museum; it will contain the personal effects of the poet on displayhis famous
valise, the articles of clothing, the cutlery, the musical instruments, the mementos and
leavings of a life. And even though his bones rest beneath a white marble tombstone in the
old cemetery at the end of town, Rimbaud is conspicuous by his absenceexcept perhaps
on chocolate boxes, posters, postcards, and a bronze bust at the railway station that
looks like "somebody else." - Dennis J. Carlile
 Translator Dennis
J. Carlile, author of the plays Carved in the Fog, Delmore at the Last,
and JUMP! The Madness of Nijinsky, will be releasing a completely new version of
all of Rimbaud's work in June of this year.
Says Betrand Mathieu (Orpheus in Brooklyn): "This
is Rimbaud cast in the language of Twain and Whitman!" Ethan Fischer of Antietam
Review claims "The punk Prometheus comes to life
and sings."
Appearing here for the first time are several pieces from this complete
collection, RIMBAUD; THE WORKS;
Carlile has been kind enough to give visitors of The Drunken Boat Website an early peek at
some of these beautiful translations. In addition, he has also offered up reviews for both
Robb and Nicholl's Rimbaud books.
RIMBAUD: THE WORKS will be available for purchase
from Stay tuned for an exact street date.
Read selections from Carlile's RIMBAUD: THE WORKS. |
in the 19th Century |
The Green Fairy Hemingway, Lewis, Wilde,
Picasso, Verlaine and Rimbaud...  |

Jim Carroll's Rimbaud Scenes |
Rimbaud Sees The Dentist -
Yes, you read that right. From his out-of-print 1986 collection The Book of
Nods, Jim Carroll (best known for The Basketbal Diaries)
waxes poetic (alright prose) about Rimbaud in a four part series. Here are the
first two... |

Paul Verlaine |
"You will be damnable if you don't answer
this!" - One of the many great one-liners pulled from Rimbaud and
Verlaine's letters. The relationship between these two has been much-hyped... What gets
lost in the mix is the reality that Verlaine was a poet in his own right...  |
readers will enjoy a peek at Parade Sauvage, a literary magazine on all things
Arthur. A Verlaine studies magazine, Revue Verlaine, is also in print. The former is 170
francs and the latter 160 francs. Checks are payable to: "Monsieur le Receveur de
Charleville-Mezieres". To order, send moneys to Musee Rimbaud, BP 490 F-08109
Charleville-Mezieres cedex FRANCE.
Looking for a
particular poem by Arthur? Got a question about a translation? Seeking likeminded folk?
One of our members is bound to have the answer. The Drunken Boat mailing list is over one
hundred members strong, dozens of countries wide and well into its fourth year. Sign up now! |