...when a society becomes afraid of its poets, it is afraid of
- Literary Kicks
- A site dedicated to the Beats & their legacy. Amazingly thorough, Levi
Asher's site is a perfect jumping board for anyone interested in Kerouac, Ginsberg,
Burroughs, Kesey or Cassady.
- The Jim Carroll Website
- This site, run by Cassie Carter of Lansing, MI, is the most
thorough of all Jim Carroll sites on the web. Features sound, tour dates, unpublished
poetry, photos and notes from the author himself.
- The Official Leonard Cohen Site
- Features sound clips, full discography, and photographs. While mainly about
Cohen's music, the site does offer some insight on Cohen as author and poet.
- Franz Kafka Homepage
- Features a full bibliography, biography, selected texts and links to purchase
this author's masterpieces.
- The Unofficial Tom
Robbins Page
- This quirky page contains essays about both the author and his works, as well as
excerpts from his texts.
- The
Non-Musical Writings of John Lennon
- This is the pulp of what John Lennon was about --- he was a poet and no other
page on the web defines this more. Though sparse, it's definitely worth a peek.